Development and reproducibility of the instrument for assessment of health promotion in university - IAPSU
Health Promotion, Universities, Health Evaluation.Abstract
Objective: To present the instrument for assessment of health promotion in university (IAPSU) and its reproducibility assessment process. Methods: Cross-sectional study performed between May and July 2014 with 50 students from one university of Fortaleza, CE, which developed the IAPSU through the analysis of governmental documents and a systematic literature review addressing a potentially healthy university. The instrument has 41 questions, divided into five domains: physical activity, feeding, environmental factors, psychosocial factors and alcohol and drugs consumption, complementary and integrative practices. To evaluate the inter-rater reproducibility, the students answered the IAPSU twice, applied by two different examiners; to evaluate the intra-rater reliability, another application of the instrument was performed after seven days. Results: The study comprised 40 students of the Nursing course and 10 of the Physiotherapy course, with mean age of 25 ± 5.4 years; 88% were female and Caucasians were predominant. In the reproducibility assessment, strong intraclass, intra-rater and inter-rater correlation coefficients, over 0.8, were observed in all the assessed domains. Conclusion: The IAPSU is a reproducible and reliable instrument to evaluate health promotion in the university environment.Downloads
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