Motives of adherence and dropout of elderly to physical activity practice
Exercise, Adherence, Dropout, Aged.Abstract
Objective: To investigate factors that interfere on adherence of elderly to physical activity programs and reasons of dropping out of this kind of activity. Methods: To conduct the systematic review, the SciELO, LILACS, MEDLINE/PubMed and Cochrane databases were used, with search being conducted in years 2011 and 2012, using key-words in Portuguese:‘exercício físico’, ‘idoso’, ‘adesão’ and ‘desistência’; and in English: ‘physical exercise’,‘elderly’, ‘adherence’ and ‘dropout’. Articles available in full text version and published between 2000 and 2012 were included, reaching 17 articles, 13 of them having met the inclusion criteria. Results: Of the 13 articles, 7 were found in MEDLINE; 6, in LILACS; 3, in SciELO; and 1, in PubMed. Regarding the study design, 8 were characterized as crosssectional studies; 3 were experimental studies; 1 was a cohort study and 1 was a case study. Conclusion: It was observed that there are several reasons that induce adherence, the main ones being related to physical activity itself and the improvement of health. As the major reasons for dropout are the health problems, lack of time, poor financial condition, the distance from places were activities are performed, absence of a partner, among others. doi:
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