Transmission care: what led Ceará to be the epicenter of COVID-19?
Pandemics, Coronavirus Infections, PerceptionAbstract
Objective: To investigate the care taken by the population of Ceará and their perceptions in search for answers about what may have led Ceará to be the epicenter of COVID-19 in Northeastern Brazil. Methods: An online questionnaire containing questions about sociodemographic aspects and perceptions and care related to the transmission of coronavirus 2 was administered to 2452 people in 2020. Descriptive statistics was performed and associations between variables was checked by the Chi-squared test with a 5% significance level. Results: Men wore masks and washed their hands less often (p<0.001) than women (p<0.001). Those who lived in the countryside self-isolated less (p=0.004), wore masks less often, washed their hands less often (p<0.001) and perceived that people around them did not comply with preventive measures like wearing masks (p<0.001). Similarly, the youngest were those who self-isolated the least (p<0.001) and those who least wore masks (p<0.001). Those with secondary education were the ones who were working the most and those with primary education were the most keen on returning to work (p<0.001), the ones who least trusted the health system (p=0.002) and who least wore masks (p<0.001). Conclusion: Cultural and behavioral aspects, particularly among men, young people, people with low education and countryside dwellers, were already a sign back then that the state would become a regional epicenter of the pandemic in Brazil.Downloads
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