Nurses' perception about social demand in the light of the principle of integrality




Unified Health System, Integrality in Health, Health Services Needs and Demand.


Objective: To identify nurses' perception of social demand and the application of the principle of integrality in the Family Health Strategy. Methods: This is a qualitative and descriptive study, carried out with 20 nurses in a reference municipality in the Territorio Sertão Productivo da Bahia, Brazil. The data were collected through interviews guided by a semi-structured script and systematized through the analysis of thematic content. Results: There was doubt in the interpretations about the social demand of the population in the Family Health Strategy, as a portion of nurses has difficulty in understanding the needs of the community, while others have a holistic perception of the theme. Besides, it was realized that integrality could be used by professionals as an instrument of daily practice for understanding, reflection, and action in the face of social demands presented by the population. Conclusion: It was found that, through comprehensiveness, the professional can understand the social, economic, political, and cultural issues of the population, something decisive in the construction of effective and specific interventions for each reality


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Author Biography

Ricardo Bruno Santos Ferreira, Universidade do Estado da Bahia

Mestre em Enfermagem pela Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana. Professor da Universidade do Estado da Bahia. Enfermeiro Assistencial no Hospital do Rim de Guanambi. Especialista em Nefrologia e Urgência e Emergência.


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How to Cite

Azevedo, S. R. de, Ferreira, R. B. S., Rios, M. O., Carvalho, B. T., & Camargo, C. L. de. (2020). Nurses’ perception about social demand in the light of the principle of integrality. Brazilian Journal in Health Promotion, 33.



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