A portrait of first childhood in poverty


  • Raissa Freitas Gomes Brito Universidade de Fortaleza
  • Herika Paiva Pontes Universidade de Fortaleza
  • Mirna Albuquerque Frota Universidade de Fortaleza




Child, Poverty, Child Development.


Objective: To know the profile of early childhood in poverty in the state of Ceará. Methods: This quantitative descriptive study was carried out with children aged zero to six years living in poverty in the state of Ceará. Data were collected from the Information Tabulator platform of the Unified Registration system of the Ministry of Social Development in June 2017, when there were 5,385,085 people registered. Of these, 581,336 were between zero and six years old and were included in the research sample. Information on sex, ethnicity, income, housing, education, health and violation of human rights were descriptively analyzed. Results: With regard to income, 552,921 families (95.11%) were low-income, 73.18% (425,441) of whom lived in extreme poverty. Although the majority (388,325; 66.79%) lived in houses located in urban areas and in predominantly masonry houses (548,871; 94.41%), 281,726 (41.02%) children lived in houses without any type of pavement in front of the house and 427,906 (63.31) did not have access to sewage collection network. As for education, 395,776 children (68.08%) did not go to school and less than 1% (70) lived in the street and were submitted to child labor. There was a predominance of male children (297,786; 51.22%) and children considered Pardas (mixed-race Brazilians) (479,769; 82.53%) by their parents Conclusion: The majority of children up to the age of six who lived in poverty in Ceará were male, Pardas, and lived houses with poor access to basic sanitation and without access to early childhood education.


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How to Cite

Brito, R. F. G., Pontes, H. P., & Frota, M. A. (2018). A portrait of first childhood in poverty. Brazilian Journal in Health Promotion, 31(4). https://doi.org/10.5020/18061230.2018.8766



VI Seminário Internacional em Promoção da Saúde