Domestic violence against women in rural context: recognition of care strategies
Domestic Violence, Violence Against Women, Family Health Strategy, Health Personnel, Rural Areas, Rural HealthAbstract
Objective: Describe the role of Family Health Strategy (FHS) professionals in the face of domestic violence against women in a rural context and the limits faced for their development. Methods: Qualitative study conducted with twenty FHS health professionals from two municipalities of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Data were collected through structured interviews from January to March 2016. The empirical material was submitted to content analysis, emerging the thematic categories: performance of FHS professionals in attention to women in situations of domestic violence in rural settings; limits faced by FHS professionals to care for women in situations of domestic violence in rural settings. Results: The attention developed by the FHS professionals to these women is related to attentive and sensitive listening and teamwork and intersectoral. The limits for the development of the professionals 'performance are the lack of skill, non-participation in groups, denial of the experience of the violence situation and the absence of a protocol to guide the professionals' actions regarding the identification of violence. Conclusion: Although the strategies of attention to rural women in situations of domestic violence are based on the assumptions of humanization and health promotion, there are limits to the integral care of these women. It is suggested to create a model that prioritizes the training of professionals to work with women in situations of violence and a protocol to guide the actions in the face of such a situation.Downloads
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