Empowerment of women burned by self-immolation and their support in religion and spirituality
Burns, Power (Psychology), Social Stigma, Spirituality.Abstract
Objective: To identify the relationship of spirituality and religiosity with the empowerment of women burned by self-immolation. Methods: A qualitative study was carried out with five women with burn scars caused by self-immolation. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews. Data analysis was performed on the basis of the illness narrative method and was supported by women’s accounts. Results: Women with hypertrophic scars reacted in different ways and their accounts gave rise to the following categories: a) “God took all that out of my head”, which showed religion as highlight of salvation; b) “Stigma related to the burned body”, which acknowledges women’s stigmatization and responses to the rejection by the society; c) “The body and self-prejudice”, which describes the representations of non-acceptance of the new body image, self-rejection, self-prejudice and spirituality in the process of empowerment of burned women. Conclusion: Burned women present with multiple nuances regarding self-image and self-esteem. Faith in religion and spirituality helps overcoming personal and social conflicts.Downloads
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