Quality of life of chronic wound carriers


  • Patrícia Moita Garcia Kawakame Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul
  • Luciana Contrera Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul
  • Thaís Garcia Ferrari Fundação Educacional de Fernandópolis
  • Anna Carolina Furlanetto Novais Fundação Educacional de Fernandópolis
  • Jaqueline Fava Santana de Carvalho Fundação Educacional de Fernandópolis
  • Juliana Cristina Gobbo Fundação Educacional de Fernandópolis
  • Laura Carolina Toledo Mariano de Souza Fundação Educacional de Fernandópolis




wounds and injuries, quality of life, qualitative research


Objective: The aim of the research is to understand the quality of life of chronic wound patients. Methods: A qualitative research method in the modality of analysis of the structure of the phenomenon located, which is based on Phenomenology. Results e Conclusion: The data were collected by the researchers through a guiding question directed to ten patients with chronic wound. The results were extracted from the convergences, divergences and idiosyncrasies that emerged from the interviewees' speeches through ideographic and nomothetic analysis and revealed that the quality of life of the chronic wound patient emerges based on a constant struggle permeated by stages that revealed oscillation between improvement and worsening, in addition to consequences triggered by the wound that negatively affected the quality of life of patients with chronic wound.


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How to Cite

Kawakame, P. M. G., Contrera, L., Ferrari, T. G., Novais, A. C. F., Carvalho, J. F. S. de, Gobbo, J. C., & Souza, L. C. T. M. de. (2018). Quality of life of chronic wound carriers. Brazilian Journal in Health Promotion, 31. https://doi.org/10.5020/18061230.2018.8653