Use of breast milk from milk dispensary by babies in neonatal intensive care units
Milk, Human, Intensive Care Units, Neonatal, Milk Banks, Breast Milk Expression.Abstract
Objective: To assess the amount of breast milk collected and destined for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at a baby-friendly hospital in the South of Brazil. Methods: An analytical, observational cross-sectional study, carried out in the milk dispensary of Caxias do Sul General Hospital, in the period from July to December 2016. Data on the amount of breast milk was collected, considering: total intake for all hospital units, entry and exit of milk destined for the Neonatal ICU, and discarded amounts due to discharge/death, expired thaw and expired validity. Categorical variables are presented in absolute numbers and percentages and continuous variables as mean ± standard deviation. Statistical analysis was performed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 20.0, considering p<0.05 as statistical significance level. Results: The total milk intake to the milk dispensary was 177,053 mL; the breast milk entry to the Neonatal ICU was 153,898 mL, and 87.21% of this volume was used. The disposal figures due to discharge/death, thaw and validity represented 4.04, 1.14 and 0.55%, respectively. The mean daily milk expression in the semester for the Neonatal ICU was 836.40 ± 382.67 mL, and the mean daily consumption of human milk for the Neonatal ICU was 729.44 ± 341.54 mL. Conclusion: The milk dispensary presented a high percentage of human milk expresstion and consumption and a low disposal, demonstrating a good storage control and its value within the baby-friendly hospital.Downloads
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