Evaluation of educational materials targeted at the psychomotor development of the child
Material Resources in Health, Child, Child Development, Health Promotion.Abstract
Objective: To evaluate in the literature the educational materials developed on printed or online versions that are targeted at the promotion, prevention or intervention regarding the psychomotor development of the child. Methods: The study consisted in an integrative review, where articles were searched in Portuguese and English languages, in the databases: Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Google academic, Regional Library of Medicine (Bireme), Physiotherapy evidence database (Pedro) e PubMed, between January and March 2017, using booklet (cartilha), children (criança) and motor development (desenvolvimento motor) as search terms. After reading the titles and abstracts, and based on the principles of an integrative review, 7,224 studies were excluded for not meeting the requested criteria, remaining a sample of 8 articles. Results: The studies that conducted the evaluation and analysis of educational booklets showed that these materials led to positive responses as an appropriate instrument to assist parents, families, students and health professionals in health education activities. It was observed that the early intervention performed by family members had positive results concerning the evolution of the child, influencing on their language and motor development in the cases studied. Conclusion: Scientific evidence points out that health education materials designed for guidance of parents and health professionals on the stimulation of child development are considered clear, objective and efficient.Downloads
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