Pulmonary rehabilitation programs in lung transplant: a literature review
Rehabilitation, Transplantation, Physical Therapy SpecialtyAbstract
Objective: To analyze, using a literature review, Pulmonary Rehabilitation (RP) Programs in lung transplant. Methods: A literature review in July 2014 in Ebsco Host, Periódicos Capes, BVS and Science Direct data bases using descriptors in English (“lung transplantation”, “lung transplant” AND/OR “rehabilitation”) and Portuguese (“reabilitação” AND/OR “transplante pulmonar”). The eligibility criterions were interventional studies of PR before and/or after lung transplant; participants who were candidates to lung transplant or lung transplant recipients; studies that applied any kind of PR program (hospital-based, homebased or outpatient) and articles published in English, Spanish or Portuguese. Literature reviews, guidelines and case reports were excluded. The search process yielded 46 articles of which two were duplicated. After title and abstract screening 13 articles remained for full text reading. Six studies met the inclusion eligibility and were included in the review. Results: The studies involved patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Cystic Fibrosis, Pulmonary Hypertension, Interstitial Lung Disease and Pulmonary Fibrosis. Pulmonary function, exercise capacity, quality of life (QoL) and quadriceps force were evaluated. Most interventions were outpatient programs with three months duration, three times a week and session with at least one hour. Protocols included physical training, educational approach and just one included nutritional, psychiatric and social assistant follow-up. The studies presented significant change in the six-minute walking distance, QoL and quadriceps force after PR programs. Conclusion: This review showed the benefits of the PR in the QoL and exercise capacity contributing to the Health Promotion of the patients.Downloads
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