Motivational factors of elderly practitioners of pilates method


  • Ricardo Dantas Grupo de pesquisas em biodinâmica do exercício, saúde e performance – Universidade Castelo Branco – Rio de Janeiro – RJ, Brasil.
  • Gabriel Abdrade Paz Escola de Educação Física e Desportos – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – Rio de Janeiro – RJ, Brasil.
  • Vicente Pinheiro Lima Grupo de pesquisas em biodinâmica do exercício, saúde e performance – Universidade Castelo Branco – Rio de Janeiro – RJ, Brasil.



Motivation, Aged, Motor Activity, Exercise.


Objective: To evaluate motivational factors of elderly practitioners of Pilates Method. Methods: Quantitative cross-sectional study conducted from April to May 2014 with a convenience sample of 39 elderly practitioners of Pilates Method – regardless of sex – in a neighborhood in the northern part of Rio de Janeiro, RJ. We used the Inventário de Motivação à Prática Regular de Atividades Físicas – IMPRAF-54 (Regular Physical Activity Motivation Inventory), which assesses motivation dimensions (“Stress Control “, “Health”, “Sociability”, “Competitiveness”, “Aesthetics” and “Pleasure”). Results: The main motivational aspects described by the elderly were “Health” (mean crude score; women: 34.3 (± 4.7); men: 30.3 (± 5.2)), “Sociability” (mean crude score; women: 27.8 (± 10.2); men: 28.8 (± 9.7), and “Pleasure” (mean crude score; women: 30.8 (± 7.5); men: 29.3 (± 8.3)); only among men the domain “Sociability” was rated as “high motivation” (70th percentile) according to the normative tables of the instrument. Conclusion: Factors related to health, sociability and pleasure were a key motivation among the elderly practitioners of Pilates Method assessed.


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How to Cite

Dantas, R., Paz, G. A., STRAATMANN, V. S., & Lima, V. P. (2015). Motivational factors of elderly practitioners of pilates method. Brazilian Journal in Health Promotion, 28(2), 251–256.



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