General aspects of immigrants' lives in refugee shelters




Shelter, Population Dynamics, Health Access, Emigration and Immigration, Emergency Shelter, Emergency Feeding


Objective: To know the general aspects of Venezuelan immigrants' life in shelters, with a focus on food, access to health services, and main factors that motivated immigration to Brazil. Methods: This is a qualitative-exploratory study, carried out in the second semester of 2019, using 22 semi-structured interviews, with the participation of immigrants sheltered in Boa Vista, Roraima, Brazil. The content analysis technique was used for data analysis, with four thematic categories emerging: Living in the shelter, Food at the shelter, Health at the shelter, and Choice of Brazil as a destination. Results: Despite the impasses, there are feelings of gratitude for living in Brazil. Living in the shelter is bad and difficult, as the environment in the tents is warm, small, and with little privacy, but they emphasize that it is better than living on the streets. As for the food at the shelter, nutritional support is satisfactory, with the provision of three balanced meals daily, although sometimes it is insufficient. Participants are satisfied with interdisciplinary health care and medication distribution; however, they complain that access to health services is limited. The choice of Brazil to immigrate was due to its economic position in South America and, therefore, they thought they would have a better chance of employability, as well as access to education, health, and, due to the geographical proximity to their country. Conclusion: The study allowed knowing the main reasons that led the participants to choose Brazil as a destination, in addition to the general aspects of life in shelters, focusing on health and food.


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How to Cite

Arruda-Barbosa, L. de, Neta, E. L. M. da S., Teixeira, L. D. G., e Silva, S. M., Brasil, C. O., & Leal, N. A. C. (2020). General aspects of immigrants’ lives in refugee shelters. Brazilian Journal in Health Promotion, 33.



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