The fragility of the Brazilian health system and social vulnerability in front of COVID-19




Social Vulnerability, Coronavirus Infections, Pandemics


Objective: To demonstrate the possible impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the social vulnerability on the national scene, and the possible controlling measures in the face of the new pandemic. Methods: This is an exploratory bibliometric study that collected data from the last 10 years on the following data platforms: Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System (DATASUS), Health Information (TabNet), and Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). Moreover, a search was conducted on secondary sources (PubMed, Ministry of Health, World Health Organization, CAPES, and SciELO journals). The descriptors used were ethics based on principles, social vulnerability, bioethics, coronavirus, and pandemic. Analyzes and interpretations took place between February and March 2020. Results: In Brazil, 25,262 cases of COVID-19 were reported, and 1,532 people died in the period mentioned. IBGE data from 2019 point to about 119.3 million Brazilians living in extreme poverty, with income below one minimum wage per month. Besides, according to the 2010 Census, only 3.8% of the Brazilian population has access to drinking water, which can hinder preventive measures. Conclusion: Given the pandemic scenario, there is a need for more attention to people who are socially vulnerable in Brazil.


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How to Cite

da Silva, M. H. A., & Procópio, I. M. (2020). The fragility of the Brazilian health system and social vulnerability in front of COVID-19. Brazilian Journal in Health Promotion, 33.



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