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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished and is not being considered for publication by another journal.
  • The study contains information about any conflicts of interest.
  • Research funding sources are acknowledged. (If applicable)
  • Declaration of Responsibility and Assignment of Copyrights signed by all authors with an indication of the contribution of each author
  • A copy of the Research Ethics Committee Approval is provided. (If applicable)
  • Submission files are in Microsoft Word format with double space and 12-point font size Times New Roman.
  • An abstract with a maximum of 250 words in Portuguese and English is included.
  • 3 to 6 descriptors are included at the end of the abstract in Portuguese and English.
  • All the mandatory items of the text are included according to the type of article (original article, review article and description of experiences).
  • The manuscript follows the style standards and reference requirements described in The Author Guidelines.
  • References are formatted according to the Vancouver style and follow RBPS standards.
  • All web page addresses (URLs) included in the text (e.g., are active and ready to click.
  • Tables, charts and figures conform to RBPS standards.
  • Editors’ permission to reproduce previously published figures or tables are included when necessary.
  • Abbreviations and acronyms conform to RBPS standards.
  • For Intervention studies, please provide the clinical trial number according to the norms.
  • The team of authors is aware of and is responsible for the costs of translating the manuscript into English or having it grammar and spell checked, when submitted in English or Spanish, by the expert translators recommended by RBPS should it be approved for publication.

Author Guidelines

All manuscripts must be submitted via our ONLINE submission system found at the University of Fortaleza Journals Portal: There is no fee for submission and evaluation of manuscripts. The Brazilian Journal in Health Promotion has been developing a policy to increase its impact in order to be indexed in national and international databases, for which it is essential to publish manuscripts in another language. Therefore, we inform that: 1) Manuscripts submitted in Portuguese will be processed in Portuguese during the peer review process and only when its last version is approved by the editors will the authors provide its English version with abstracts in English and Spanish. 2) The costs of the complete translation of the article into English and of the translation of abstracts into English and Spanish will be borne by the authors. 3) Manuscripts submitted in English are not required to be translated into another language. However, English grammar and spell correction is mandatory, and authors are responsible for it. 4) Manuscripts submitted in Spanish are not required to be translated into another language. However, Spanish grammar and spell correction is mandatory, and authors are responsible for it. 5) The Brazilian Journal in Health Promotion recommends outsourced expert translators whose contact information will be provided later on. Other translators are no accepted. 6) If there is no interest in the publication of your manuscript in English, we request you to contact us as soon as possible so that we can cancel the evaluation process. In that case, we recommend you seek another journal. Author guidelines and norms: The manuscript, including illustrations and references, must conform to the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” published by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors ( The manuscript should contain the following sections: I. Title page; II. Abstract in Portuguese and English; III. Text; IV. Acknowledgments and conflicts of interest; V. Contributions VI. VI. Funding Sources VII. References. The manuscript should be prepared using Microsoft Word with A4-size pages with 25 mm margins, 12-point font size, Times New Roman or Arial, double space in all sections and pages numbered in the upper right corner starting on the title page. All submitted manuscripts must carefully comply with RBPS standards and author guidelines. Submitted manuscripts that do not comply with the journal standards and with missing ORCID information, incomplete registration of the authors and missing signed Declaration of Responsibility and Copyright and copy of the Ethics Committee Approval or clinical trials registration number (if applicable) will be automatically archived (withdrawn). I. Title page The title page should contain: • Title of the manuscript in Portuguese, English or Spanish, according to the language of the manuscript. The title must be bold and centered, and only the first letter should be capitalized. • The title should be concise and explanatory, be representative of the content of the manuscript, and contain up to 14 words and no acronyms. • Translation of the title into English/Portuguese. This must be italicized, bold, centered, and in uppercase letters. • Short title of the manuscript with a maximum of 40 characters, including spaces. • The type of manuscript submitted (original article, review article, description of experiences). • Full name, ORCID and institutional affiliation of each author. A maximum of 8 authors is allowed. • Name, institutional address (street/avenue, district, zip code, city, state, country), telephone number and e-mail of the first author and the corresponding author (who will be contacted during the manuscript submission process and listed in the manuscript for further contact about the publication). • Research funding source (funding agencies or institutions), if any. • If the manuscript was based on a thesis/dissertation, authors must provide the title, the name of the institution, the year of defense and the number of pages. II. Abstract • Original Articles must provide a summarized and structured abstract: objective, methods, results and conclusion. • Review articles must provide a summarized and structured abstract: objective, methods, results and conclusion. • Description of Experiences must provide a summarized and structured abstract: objective, data synthesis and conclusion. • The abstract should not be more than 250 words and the English version should be a reliable version of the abstract in Portuguese. • Descriptors: include 3 to 6 descriptors listed in the Health Sciences Descriptors of the Virtual Health Library ( at the end of the abstract in Portuguese and English. • Authors must present at the end of the abstract the registration number (NCT) obtained in the registration of the Clinical Trial, in intervention studies, in international or national databases. Authors should register their research in one of the following databases (website): US National Library - Registro Brasileiros de Ensaios Clínicos: III. Text The structure of the text should conform to the Vancouver standard of text, references and type of article as follows: a) ORIGINAL ARTICLES: They should contain in a summarized way the following: introduction, methods, results, discussion and conclusion. a1. Introduction: It should be concise and up-to-date, show evidence of the relationship of the subject to health promotion/public health and contain the justification and the objectives of the paper highlighting the relevance of the subject analyzed. Extensive reviews on the subject and anticipation of its results should be avoided. a2. Methods: They should briefly describe the type of study, when and where the study took place, the population and sample studied, the selection criteria, the procedures, techniques, materials and instruments used, and the statistics applied in data analysis to allow the reproduction of the research and the verification of the analysis based on this description. Established methods and procedures should be cited with references. The manufacturers of the apparatus and equipment and the source of the material used should be mentioned. The Ethics Committee Approval number for the study should be included in the last paragraph of the methods. a3. Results:They must be described objectively and in a logical sequence. Repetition of data in tables and figures should be avoided. Authors are encouraged to present large numbers of data by means of graphs instead of tables, respecting the maximum number of 5 figures/tables. a4. Discussion: It should contain the interpretative analysis of the results based on data available in the current literature (preferably published in the last five years) and related to the subject, emphasizing the new information obtained in the study, its importance and its implications. The correlation of the results to health promotion/public health should be emphasized. Inform and discuss the study limitations. Repetition of results or aspects described in other sections should be avoided. The text should conform to the Vancouver style. a5. Conclusion: It should provide concise answers to the proposed objectives. Repetition of results or aspects described in other sections should be avoided. In qualitative studies, the results can be described, analyzed and discussed together. In this case, authors should use the heading: Results and Discussion. Likewise, the heading Final considerations instead of Conclusion will be accepted as a form of synthesis of the achieved objectives. Limit of 6000 words and 5 illustrations. Word count includes main text, acknowledgements, conflicts of interest and references. b) REVIEW ARTICLES: These should contain an introduction section featuring the theoretical background on the subject, addressing its specific aspects and the justification of its relevance. The relationship of the subject to health promotion/public health should be clear in the introduction. Methods should describe the procedures used (search sources where data were collected, choice and combination of descriptors, publication period, eligibility criteria, language. Results should present a description of the main findings and possible limitations of the studies found. Tables may be used to summarize the results. Discussion should present the interpretative analysis and comparison of the results based on existing data. Authors should highlight the new information presented in the study, its importance and its implications for health/public health promotion. The text should conform to the Vancouver style. Conclusions should be based on the analyzed data and the proposed objectives. Limit of 8000 words and 5 illustrations. Word count includes main text, acknowledgements, conflicts of interest and references. c) DESCRIPTION OF EXPERIENCES: Descriptions must contain an introduction section featuring the theoretical background on the subject to explain the importance of the subject for health/ public health promotion, the justification of the experience, and its objectives. The data synthesis section can be subdivided into other sections/topics and should describe the experience and practice and provide the theoretical framework or concept that supports it. The conclusion should be based on the analyzed data and the proposed objectives. No patient results should be described. Limit of 4000 words and 3 illustrations. Word count includes main text, acknowledgements, conflicts of interest and references. IV. Acknowledgments and conflicts of interest In this section, authors should briefly describe collaborations that do not justify authorship, such as technical, financial and material aid, including institutional, governmental or private aid. This section should be placed before references and when absolutely necessary. Authors should inform whether the manuscript presents any relations that may imply a potential conflicts of interest. This should be placed before the references. V. Contributions Specify the contribution of each author in the development of the work and manuscript according to the signature on the Declaration of Responsibility and Copyright. The RBPS does not allow changes, inclusion and exclusion of authors after manuscript submission. VI. Funding Sources All sources of institutional or private funding for the study should be mentioned. VII. References References should be included after the contributions or funding sources sections using the same formatting recommended for the rest of the manuscript. References should be arranged in order of appearance in the text and numbered consecutively. Citation of references is mandatory. In the text, they should be cited in order of appearance using superscript Arabic numerals in parentheses. The accuracy of the references and their correct citation in the text are the authors’ responsibility. Books, theses and dissertations should account for no more than 20% of the references. At least 60% (75% desirable) of the references should date from the last five years, including articles in a foreign language. Usually, the number of references should be no more than 60 for Review Articles and no more than 30 for Original Articles and Description or Evaluation of Experiences. A minimum of 20 references is acceptable. References should conform to the Vancouver style, as shown in the following examples. Include all authors of each article or book. For studies with a large number of authors, the first six (6) authors should be listed followed by “et al.” For more details see the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” available at: - IV.A.9.b. Reference Style and Format and direct access via the National Library of Medicine at VII. 1. Journal articles: Fuchs SC, Silva AA. Hipertensão arterial e diabetes mellitus: uma visão global. Rev Bras Hipertens. 2011;18(3):83-8. VII. 2. Book and Book chapter: Book Chapter: Diniz EMA. Toxoplasmose congênita. In: Marcondes E, Vaz FAC, Ramos JLA, Okay Y. Pediatria básica. São Paulo: Sarvier; 2008. p. 533-40. Book: Luna RL. Hipertensão arterial: diagnóstico e tratamento. São Paulo: Revinter; 2010. VII. 3. Events (Annals/Conference proceedings): Malecka-Tendera E, Klimek K, Matuski P. Obesity prevalence and risk factors in representative group of Polish 7 to 9 years old children [abstract]. In: 16th European Congress of Endocrinology;2003 Nov 13-14; Copenhagen; 2013. VII. 4. Thesis and Dissertation: Venancio SI. Determinantes individuais e contextuais do aleitamento materno exclusivo nos primeiros seis meses de vida em cento e onze municípios do Estado de São Paulo [dissertation]. São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo; 2002. VII. 5. Online journal article or monograph: Melere C, Hoffmann JF, Nunes MAA, Drehmer ME, Buss C, Ozcariz SGI, et al. Índice de alimentação saudável para gestantes: adaptação para uso em gestantes brasileiras. Rev Saúde Pública [Internet]. 2013 [accessed on 2013 Nov 18]; 47(1):20-8. Available from: VII. 6. Online book: Online book: Kapoor OP. Role of vegetarian diet in health and diseases [online monograph]. India: Reddy ‘s Laboratories. [cited 2013 Nov 10]. Available from: URL: contents.htm Online book chapter: Banka NH. Vegetarianism and the liver. In: Kapoor OP. Role of vegetarian diet in health and diseases [online monograph] India; Reddy’s Laboratories. [cited 2013 Nov 10]. Available from: URL: All Web page addresses (URLs) included in the text (e.g., are active and ready to click. Illustrations (Tables, Charts and Figures) Tables, charts and figures should be used to facilitate the presentation of data. Respect the limit of 5. They should contain an explanatory title (what, where, when) with proper legends. Photographs, graphs and drawings should be included in the manuscript as figures. When there are large numbers of data, prefer graphs instead of tables. Data repetition (text, tables and graphs) should be avoided. Each table, chart and figure must be presented in an orderly manner according to their appearance in the text. The tables and charts should be numbered using Roman numerals. Figures should be numbered using Arabic numerals (e.g., Table I, II, III ..., Figure 1, 2, 3 ...). Each table, chart or figure must contain the respective legend. This should be clear and objective in order to allow the understanding of the table or figure, regardless of the text. Figures that need to be digitized (e.g., photographs, drawings) should have their legends on a separate page duly identified with their numbers. The figures must be original and of good quality. The meaning of letters, acronyms and symbols must appear in the legends. Figures can be submitted in black and white, in shades of gray or in color. In case of use of figures or tables published previously by another author, it is necessary to submit the publisher’s permission for their reproduction. Abbreviations and acronyms The use of abbreviations and acronyms should be minimal and should be avoided in the title and abstract. When used, they should be defined in their first mention in the text in parentheses. Similarity analysis The manuscript should cite sources correctly, and authors should write with their own words. If you reproduce the idea of third parties, you must cite the source. There must be no error of citation nor paragraphs identical to that published in other sources. All RBPS manuscripts undergo similarity check.


It is intended to discuss various topics related to any subject of relevance to the area, to the topics addressed in the current journal issue, or to issues concerning the journal itself. The Editors usually invite experts in specific areas (maximum of 1,000 words).

Original Articles

It is intended for the dissemination of novel results of empirical, experimental or conceptual research (maximum of 6,000 words and 5 illustrations).

Articles for review

It is intended for critical and ordered literature reviews of a particular topic. Articles in this category are usually written by authors with proven expertise in the area who are invited by the editors. Non-invited reviews are also accepted, provided they express authors’ experience in the field and are systematic literature reviews (maximum of 8,000 words and 5 illustrations).

Description of Experiences

Destina-se à descrição por meio do relato de experiências da prática profissional em saúde fundamentada em evidência científica. Deve destacar conhecimentos vivenciados pelos autores e a relevância para a promoção da saúde.(máximo de 4.000 palavras e 3 ilustrações)

Description or evaluation of experiences

It is intended for description or critical evaluation of new experiences in health services, methods, techniques or instruments, and procedures or conduct adopted routinely or in experimentation in professional institutions or groups (maximum of 4,000 words and 3 illustrations).

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this journal and are not available for other purposes or to third parties.