Estimativa do valor da taxa de condomínio em prédios residenciais.
It is a worldwide tendency to incorporate several onveniences in a multi-family housing project, such as elevators, Local Area Network (LAN), electronic security system, well water, emergency back-up generator, to name a few. These conveniences have a maintenance cost and this cost is passed down to the homewoners as a Condominium Fee. Today a big number of occupants of these multi-family Condos complain about the cost of this Condominium Fee. In some cases the cost of this fee greater than the lease itself. The proposal of the current project is to develop a tool to help associations, homeowners and landlords estimate the cost of the Condominium Fee and show the essential variables in the formation of this cost, having as reference the real estate market of Fortaleza, Ceará-Brazil.Downloads
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How to Cite
de Souza, T. E. F., Costa, E. F. C., & de Aguiar, M. F. P. (2009). Estimativa do valor da taxa de condomínio em prédios residenciais. Revista Tecnologia, 26(2). Retrieved from