Estudo da erodibilidade de solos em encostas no sudeste do Brasil.
Erosões. Voçorocas.Abstract
The southeast region of Brazil has lately presented a great number of quickly establishing linear erosion plots (gully). Laminar water fl ow, according to runoff type, causes diverse erosion forms, such as: laminar and linear erosion. Laboratorial trials for the study of erosion have proven to be very effective in determining the infl uential processes of gully formation. This research will focus on soil erodibility related to the laminar erosion processed, identifying it through its physical properties, since it is a parameter that infl uences erosion triggering. A few cliffs nearby the city of Lavras (Minas Gerais, Brazil) were sampled and used in erodibility trials to verify in detail the main erosion evolution mechanism, also known as “piping”. Regarding the study of erodibility, the soils researched presented characteristics as lightly distracting, showing an easy disintegration of his structure and with great lose of soil in the beginning of the erosive in the slope.Downloads
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How to Cite
Menezes, S. M., de Carvalho, D., & de Albuquerque, P. J. R. (2009). Estudo da erodibilidade de solos em encostas no sudeste do Brasil. Revista Tecnologia, 27(1). Retrieved from