Biblioteca para implementação de controladores utilizando lógica fuzzy.
Lógica nebulosa. Controladores fuzzy. Programação orientada a objetos.Abstract
The present work searchs to develop a library of Fuzzy Logic to implement the control in nonlinear systems, where, latery, it will be used in microcontrollers/microprocessors to execute several forms of control. The Fuzzy Logic is used, therefore it offers an easiness of work with control systems, and where nor always it is possible to make a simple mathematical modeling of the process. The used platform of development is the C++ Builder 6 Borland, in view of the easiness that this tool offers in the guided programming the object and the visual programming. The stages of inference of rules, fuzifi cação and defuzifi cação are developed that constitute Fuzzy Controller based in the Rules. The Fuzzy library, used in this work, is applied to carry through the control of the time of signalling of a traffi c light in accordance with the fl ow of car in the avenues, that can to be applied in other situations. In the simulation by software, the system reveals effi cient and effi cient to take care of the requirements required for the using. Consequentemente, this system is apt to be implemented in the hardware, using a microcontroller that will receive an algorithm of the data. The MatLab is used to solve problem the same, with this validates the Fuzzy library, therefore both tools show resulted similar. Therefore, the control of the car fl ow is perfected and, consequently, it diminishes the traffi c. This library, based on the Fuzzy logic, can be applied in several areas as, for example, industrials, doctors, agriculturists and others.Downloads
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How to Cite
Barros, A. C. da S., de Albuquerque, V. H. C., & de Alexandria, A. R. (2009). Biblioteca para implementação de controladores utilizando lógica fuzzy. Revista Tecnologia, 27(2). Retrieved from