Análise de riscos no projeto de sistemas de informação: utilização da teoria dos prospectos.
Teoria dos prospectos. Gerenciamento de projetos. Mudanças de escopo. Sistemas de apoio à decisão.Abstract
The determination of an Information Technology project scope is a challenge to everyone directly involved. This is due to a large extent because of the on-going changes in the requirements. Those changes are typically caused by fast modifications demanded on organizations. Many times, the project specification phase shows a reality that is not true in the development stage as it tends to be adpted in order to support a new business reality. Therefore, the project manager should either (i) deploy a solution that follows the specifications but not the business requirements, or (ii) develop a project with rising costs because of all the changes that are to be introduced along the process. This article presents a real case study where Prospect Theory was used to indicate which change requests should be accepted in the process of project management. That theory was a very useful tool because of the support it provided for tackling subjective issues and risks.Downloads
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How to Cite
-Cardoso, A. L., & Monteiro Gomes, L. F. A. (2009). Análise de riscos no projeto de sistemas de informação: utilização da teoria dos prospectos. Revista Tecnologia, 28(1). Retrieved from