A manufatura celular como fator de diferenciação da indústria - projeto e utilização na indústria brasileira


  • José Almeida Santos Júnior Universidade de Fortaleza


It is noticed that the companies, nowadays are more and more with its staff of employees reduced and optimized. The workers assumed the profile of the multifunctionality. The operational level, assumed the posture of versatile operators in substitution to the skills one (Taylor/Ford). Besides producing, it should verify the functionality and quality aspects of the product. This article proposes to show the evolution state that the industry of goods and services attached have been obtaining with the use of the production in CELLS OF MANUFACTURE where the have the prevalence versatile professional.


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How to Cite

Júnior, J. A. S. (2010). A manufatura celular como fator de diferenciação da indústria - projeto e utilização na indústria brasileira. Revista Tecnologia, 21(1). Retrieved from https://ojs.unifor.br/tec/article/view/412


