Segurança na indústria da construção. Banco de dados.
nr18, segurança, construção civil.Abstract
The referring work is part of the last phase of the design of the research Subsidies for Walk through of the NR 18, Conditions and Environment of Work in the Industry of the Construction, in which it was elaborated and applied "check list " in the seedbed identifying, evaluating principles of the norm and established a data base. Good and bad photographic registers of practical had been made existing of security in the searched seedbedsg, gotten during the apptication of "check list " in 14 (fourteen) workmanships of Fortaleza. Later the photographs had been selected and grouped in the some topics of rules. The documentation aims at to especially demonstrate the diversity of possible solutions, that will be of great importance for the companies, of small transport, in view of these to be the ones that less fulfill the norms.Downloads
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How to Cite
Moraes, T. A., & Fontenelle, M. A. M. (2009). Segurança na indústria da construção. Banco de dados. Revista Tecnologia, 22(1). Retrieved from