Qualificação de trabalhadores da construção civil em leitura e interpretação de plantas via internet.
Formação profissional, leitura de plantas, educação à distância.Abstract
Current information and communication technologies offer a multitude of possibilities when applied to education. However, their various uses usually occur in teaching/learning environments(schools, universities, centers of study and resarch), and are employed by users for whom study is their principal activity. The aim of this study is to indicate the possibilities offered by telematics as a tool for the access of professional training for construction workers, for whom access to these resources is not usually easy. Using an interdisciplinary approach, involving architecture, engineeringe, education, psyohology and computers cience, it presents the theoretical principles and initial results obtained liorn the establishment of a Web site aimed at enabling construction workers in the reading and interpretation of architectonic plans.Downloads
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How to Cite
Cattani, A. (2009). Qualificação de trabalhadores da construção civil em leitura e interpretação de plantas via internet. Revista Tecnologia, 23(1). Retrieved from https://ojs.unifor.br/tec/article/view/181