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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • p align = "justify"> The original and unpublished contribution is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".

  • The shipping file is in Microsoft Word format.

  • URL and DOI for references if provided whenever it is possible.

  • O text according to style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Instruções ao Authors , na Capa da Revista.

  • Como equações, tabelas, imagens devem ser enviadas em JPEG, PNG, com resolução de 300dpi em pasta zipada ou compactadas anexadas em documentos complementares. Caso não sejam enviados, tanto fora do artigo quanto separadamente, você poderá prejudicar sua submissão.

  • Include a list of references cited in the manuscript in the "Paso 3" of the presentation.

Author Guidelines

The Revista Tecnologia, maintained by the Technological Sciences Center of the University of Fortaleza, has as main objective the publication and dissemination of scientific works in the areas of engineering and exact sciences with applications in technology, being open to collaborations in Brazil and abroad. Papers submitted to Revista Tecnologia will be evaluated by its Editorial Board, which reserves the right to decide whether or not to publish. on-line Submission The author must register on the SEER / OJS platform through the Electronic Journals portal from the University of Fortaleza ( or through the Revista Tecnologia website (, choosing the AUTHOR option. Eventual questions can be addressed by e-mail to the journal's email ( This e-mail address is protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. There is no fee for manuscript submission and evaluation. Submitted articles must be original and unpublished, and may not be submitted to another journal; being the article participating in evaluation in another journal should be justified through the e-mail: For the submission process, authors are required to verify compliance of the submission against all items listed below or in instructions to authors (include instructions to authors here). Submissions that do not meet the standards will be returned to the authors. Each article must have a minimum of 10 pages and a maximum of 20 pages. Note: Authors who have already submitted articles, and who are under evaluation or who have already been accepted and published, may only have their works published again in this journal after 1 (one) year. Additional information regarding the language used in the abstract and articles submitted in English and Spanish: Articles can be written in Portuguese or English, and in any case abstracts in Portuguese and English must be included; The article will be processed in Portuguese, English or Spanish, or it will be in the language that will be submitted and only when it is approved in the last version of the editors that the authors will provide the correction and translation. The articles that most write in English or Spanish, a translation and corrections selected in the authors' load; Revista Tecnologia recommends specialized translators. The author must inform as soon as possible or the lack of interest in inheritance, if he does not agree. Presentation of authors' affiliation: At the time of submission, in the item "Submission Metadata" (step 3), authors should indicate, in the biography summary, their institutional affiliation, link to the department, unit, research group, etc. About the responsibility of the content of the article: The Editorial Board of Revista Tecnologia is not responsible for the data and opinions expressed in the papers, which are the entire responsibility of the authors. About copyright: Reproduction of articles in any medium is permitted, as long as the source is cited. All rights reserved to Edson Queiroz Foundation - Unifor. Revista Tecnologia uses the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (This license allows others to distribute, remix, adapt and create from your work, even for commercial purposes, provided they give you due credit for the original creation. It is the most flexible license of all available licenses. It is recommended to maximize the dissemination and use of licensed materials). Ethics committee opinion: The author must be aware that, if the article requires approval from the ethics committee, he must inform the approval protocol, attaching the respective opinion and that it will go through the process plagiarism through the turnitin tool which generates a report informing the similarities found. At the time of submission, the author must state whether there is a conflict of interests with respect to the research. Textual revision: We recommend that the text be submitted in advance to a professional reviewer regarding the appropriate use of the language in which it was written. General guidelines Papers should be submitted in Word 97 format or higher (standard DOC). The pages should be A4 (210 mm x 297 mm). The full text, including tables, illustrations and bibliographical references, must comply with the standards of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT), following the instructions below: Title in Portuguese (and in the original language of the article, for texts written in a foreign language) and in English; The title in Portuguese must be written in bold, centralized and in lower case letters. The title in English and / or in the original language of the text must be below the title in Portuguese, in italics, centralized, in lower case. Abstract and keywords should be presented in Portuguese and English, in addition to the original language of the article. Each abstract should contain a maximum of 250 words and abbreviations should be avoided. The abstract in a foreign language should be a faithful version of the abstract in Portuguese, as well as the foreign-language key words. At the end of each abstract there should be 03 to 06 descriptors or keywords for indexing, separated by a semicolon. Text (containing introduction, development and conclusion, even though the topics are given different designations). The structuring of the text must conform to the requirements of a scientific work, containing the already mentioned parts and references. An MS Word template is available to help format the text in the following link: References, aligned to the left. >Attachments (optional). > Formatting: Spacing: > Rows: 1.0; > Between paragraphs: 0 pts; > Between title and text: 18 pts; > Rows Footnote lines: 1.0; > Rows Long quotation marks: 1.0; > Rows of the same reference: 1.0; > Between references: 6 pts; > Between the text and the long quotation: 6 pts; > Paragraph indentation: 0.6 cm on the ruler of Word; > Long quotation (more than 3 lines) should have a 4.0 cm indentation in relation to the left margin. Source and size: > Times New Roman; > Abstract: 10; > Text: 10; > Long quotation: 9; > Footnote: 9. Titles: >Item title: size 14, lower case, with bold. > Titles of the parts of the article: size 10, bold lower case (front and back spacing of 18 pt and 12 pt, respectively); > Subtitles: size 10, lowercase, with italic (12 pt and 6 pt spacing, respectively); > Sub-subtitle: size 10, lowercase (12 pt and 6 pt spacing, respectively). > Numbering of sections and subheadings will use Arabic numerals, without a dot or hyphen, avoiding more than 3 sub-levels. References: > Font Times New Roman, size 10 (highlighted in bold titles). Page margins: > Top and left: 3.0 cm > Bottom and right: 2.0 cm Equations: > The equations should be editable; > Left-aligned; > Aligned in 6 mm; > Arabic numerals in parentheses and right-aligned should be used in the numeration of the equations; > equations should be referred to in the text as "Eq. (1) when quoted in the middle or end >f a sentence, and as "Equation (1)" when at the beginning of a sentence; > Anterior and posterior spacing of 12 pt should be used for each equation; > The symbols used should be defined immediately after their first appearance in the text; > The size of the symbols in the equations must be compatible with the employee in the body of the text. All quantities will be expressed in accordance with the International System of Units (SI). Figures: > The figures should be editable; > Each figure will be centered between margins; > The reference to a given figure in the middle or end of a sentence should be made as "Fig. 1", while at the beginning of a sentence "Figure 1" will be used; > The labels and annotations used in the figure should be in the same language as the article was written, having sizes compatible with the one used in the body of the text; Eventually Units of magnitude may be expressed in accordance with the International System of Units (SI); > The figures should be placed just after, and as close as possible, to the text in which they are cited; - Colored figures of photographic quality can be included in the article, but to reduce size and preserve graphic resolution, the image must be converted to GIF (figures under 16 colors) or JPEG (figures with high color density); > The descriptive legend of the figure should not use more than 3 lines of text and should be centered between margins with front and back spacing of 18 pt and posterior 0 pt; > The source of the figure should be left-aligned, with anterior and posterior spacing of 0 pt and 12 pt, respectively; > From the second line of the legend, you must align the text to the left by 16 mm. Tables: > The tables should be editable; > Should be centered between edges; > The reference to a given table is done in the form "Tab. (1) "when in the middle or end of a sentence, and as" Table (1) "when at the beginning of a sentence; > The table caption should be left aligned and positioned immediately above the table; > The texts and annotations in the table must be of size compatible with the one used in the body of the text, the units for the quantities being consistent with the S.I; > Units should be included only in the first line or column of identification of the represented parameter; Each table should be placed as soon as possible and as close as possible to its first quotation in the text of the article; The caption of the table should be left-aligned, with front and back spacing of 18 pt and 0 pt respectively; The table font should be left-aligned, with 0 pt and 12 pt spacing respectively; Descriptive captions of tables should not take more than 3 lines and text; From the second line of the caption one should align the text to the left in 16 mm. Other important information about the structure of the text: 1. Introduction: should contain the justification and the objectives of the work, highlighting the relevance of the subject investigated. 2. Development: should contain the discussion and / or analysis of the presented hypotheses, with adequate bibliographic support. 3. Conclusion: should contain, in a concise way, the response to the proposed objectives. The repetition of arguments or aspects already described in other sections should be avoided.a. 4. References: Must contain the list of works and research sources cited in the article, according to ABNT - NBR 6023/2002. 5. Papers and other forms of production must be unpublished, from 10 to 20 pages, and be written in Portuguese, English, Spanish, French or Italian. 6. The references of direct and / or indirect citations should be made in the text itself, before or after the citation. E.g.: "According to Perlingieri (2007, p.50)”; “(PERLINGIERI, 2007, p.50)”. 7. At the end of the article, authors should be listed with a short bibliography (Source Arial 10).

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