Alphabetization in a Liberator Education Perspective


  • Maria do Socorro Vasconcelos



The present study deals with some conceptions of alphabetization, in several angles: academic, utilitarist, cognitive, romantic and liberator, emphasizing adults’ alphabetization, inserted in popular education context. It is taken, as a reference target, the thought of a brazilian education master, Paulo Freire, about the liberator education that opens a space for the reality study, developing a critical conscience. The aphabetization process is concepted as a political phenomenon and it is related with two dialect units of human praxis: reflection and action. The world reading comes before the word one, conducting those who are being trained for reading, to a critical comprehension that are able of acting on their reality, based on real situations and being the own subject of their history and learning, aiming to change their social reality, this way buildingg the world. The brazilian present reality suffers great and fast changes, occasioned by Neo-liberal model, which is being applied through the process of globalization, with Economy going towart state companies privatization, improving social exclusion problems. It is necessary educators think over this question, in order to find out an intelligent way of helping, people to revert these circunstances, so that their performance can show a real responsiblity, competence and education engagement. Keywords: Liberator Education, Reflection and Action, World Reading, Word Reading and Redemption of Reality.


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Author Biography

Maria do Socorro Vasconcelos

Socorro Vasconcelos é doutora em Ciências da Educação pela Universidade de Valladolid, Espanha. Professora da Universidade de Fortaleza.



How to Cite

Vasconcelos, M. do S. (2010). Alphabetization in a Liberator Education Perspective. Revista De Humanidades, 17(2).


