The Graduate Program (Lato Sensu) Profile at UNIFOR (2001-2004)


  • José Ferreira Silva Bastos
  • José Antônio Carlos Otaviano David Moran
  • Márcia Thelma Rios Donato Marino



This article focus at the importance of graduate courses for the development of academics and society as a whole. It looks briefly at the legislation that rules the graduate programs, especially those at the level of specialization. It presents the numbers of the lato sensu graduate programs, considering the period that goes from 2001 to 2004, explaining that the main objective of the lato sensu graduate courses is the development of professionals with entrepreneurial abilities. Finally, this paper draws guidelines that aim at fully consolidating the graduate lato sensu courses, even emphasizing the in-company mode, which is characterized by distant teaching, in order to fulfill specific demands. Keywords: Graduate Programs; Lato sensu; Entrepreneur; In company.


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Author Biographies

José Ferreira Silva Bastos

Graduado em Letras. Especialista em Tecnologia Educacional. Assessor da Divisão de Pós-Graduação da Universidade de Fortaleza – UNIFOR.

José Antônio Carlos Otaviano David Moran

Graduado em Medicina. Mestre em Educação. Vice-Reitor de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação da Universidade de Fortaleza - UNIFOR.

Márcia Thelma Rios Donato Marino

Graduada em Geologia. Especialista em Mapeamento Regional. Mestre em Geologia Ambiental. Chefe da Divisão de Pós-Graduação da Universidade de Fortaleza – UNIFOR.



How to Cite

Silva Bastos, J. F., Carlos Otaviano David Moran, J. A., & Rios Donato Marino, M. T. (2010). The Graduate Program (Lato Sensu) Profile at UNIFOR (2001-2004). Revista De Humanidades, 19(1).


