“The attention to the diversity like point of item for the school success”
The diversity is a reality that it(he,she) defi nes, the being individualizes and personalizes and to be of each and every of the individuals who coexist in society. Maybe it is the characteristic that better photographs the human being and that more acertadamente justifi es the need of an education for all, without exclusion or privileges, potenciadora of capacities, aptitudes and professional competitions, it(he,she) commits an outrage against the individual demands(lawsuits) of the person. The diversity is inherent in the educational practice; it is, undoubtedly, the point of item(game) or of infl exion of the process of education / learning. The attention to the diversity is not an exceptional practice; the really exceptional and surprising thing is the “uniformity”. In consequence, the education and, therefore, the attention to the diversity, they all have to be understood as an attainable service in conditions of educational “equity”, educational total “quality” between(among) all and for all and educational “success” projected towards the maximum possible development of the individual, social, intellectual, cultural and emotional capacities(aptitudes) of the pupils. Keyswords: Diversity. Equity. Quality. Effort. Success.Downloads
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How to Cite
González, R. C. (2010). “The attention to the diversity like point of item for the school success”. Revista De Humanidades, 21(2). https://doi.org/10.5020/23180714.2006.21.2.%p