Humor and irony in the process of mourning elaboration on the poetics of Manuel Bandeira
Manuel Bandeira. Humor. Luto. Psicanálise. Análise literária.Abstract
The knowledge of poets has been used, since Freud, as a source of materials for the clinical journey of psychoanalysis. In accordance with such tradition, the present work aims to investigate the role of humor in the process of mourning elaboration that show that the poet, when facing the inevitable disease and shortcoming death, made use of humor in trying to elaborate the unavoidable. Therefore, the frontiers between psychoanalysis and literature are briefly described, highlighting the general aspects of Bandeira´s poetry. We also analyse the figures of humor as well as the psychoanalytical elaborations concerning his relationship with the transitority, expressed in the state of mourning.Downloads
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How to Cite
Barbosa Lima de Lima, I., Cavalcante Teixeira, L., & Acselrad, M. (2010). Humor and irony in the process of mourning elaboration on the poetics of Manuel Bandeira. Revista De Humanidades, 24(2).