Editorial Supplement Publication Policy

Supplements are collections of articles that deal with a specific theme or topic. In the case of the Brazilian Journal in Health Promotion (Revista Brasileira em Promoção da Saúde – RBPS), these articles always originate from a scientific event and maintain a direct relationship with the scope of the journal.

Its purpose is to facilitate the presentation and exchange of health research results as well as to encourage the technical and scientific production on a particular subject. Prior contact with the editorial team is required in order to establish partnerships and agreements.

The RBPS Editorial Supplement Publication Policy is described below:

1. Exceptionally, and in agreement with the RBPS editorial team, up to two supplements per year may be published provided they strictly meet the scientific criteria and scope of the journal.

2. A supplement may be published in the journal in the following formats: a) as a “supplement” issue in an article format; b) as thematic issue in article format; c) as a special issue containing part of or all papers presented at an event in an article format; d) as publication of proceedings of a scientific event in the format of abstracts up to 250 words. Note that the same event cannot be published in different ways (proceedings and articles, for example).

3. Only articles presented in scientific events whose content is original and impartial and with relevant and up-to-date scientific quality and strictly in accordance with RBPS requirements will be considered for publication.

4. Members proposing the publication of a supplement (scientific committee/commission of an event, for example) are responsible for the process of selection, review, correction of the Vancouver requirements and formatting, and the costs of translating the abstracts of articles submitted for publication in RBPS.

5. The editorial team (editor-in-chief and scientific editors) of RBPS will have full control over the quality of articles/abstracts submitted by the scientific committee of a supplement and may reject those that do not comply with the scope, scientific rigor and norms of the RBPS.

6. The principles for authorship, conflicts of interest and similarity in the articles in a supplement are the same as those adopted by RBPS.

7. The number of articles for publication in a supplement is limited to 15 articles with up to 15 pages each containing 10 to 20 references. For publication of event proceedings in abstract format, the number should not exceed 150 abstracts of up to 250 words each.

8. RBPS and the Superior Editorial Board (Conselho Superior de Editoração – CSE) will be responsible for the final editing and publication process and assignment of DOI number (article format) or ISSN (event proceedings format). Other responsibilities and costs should be taken by the scientific committees of the events.

The policy described above follows the recommendation of the International Committee of Medical Journals Editors (ICMJE), available from: http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/publishing-and-editorial-issues/supplements-theme-issues-and-special-series.html