Peer Review Process

Articles that comply with the journal’s editorial policy and authors guidelines will be reviewed by the editorial board.

The selection of manuscripts for publication occurs in 2 phases: in the first phase, the editor-in-chief and the scientific editor evaluate the scientific quality, the clarity of the text, and whether the subject is of interest to the target audience of the RBPS. In the second phase the manuscripts approved in the first phase are sent for evaluation by two reviewers of the editorial board with recognized expertise in the area.

Throughout the double-blind review process, confidentiality will be maintained, and the authors and reviewers will remain anonymous. The editors will make the final decision to accept or reject the manuscript.

The duration of the review process by the Editorial Board will be 180 days from manuscript submission. If opinions differ, a third reviewer will make the final decision. The final decision made by the Editorial Board will be sent to the main author (accepted, accepted with changes or rejected).

Reviewers’ comments will be sent to the authors so that the changes to the text or the reasons for not changing it are sent to the journal within 20 days.

Revised manuscripts will follow the electronic publication sequence according to the chronological order of the approved manuscripts.