Neuromotor training on gait pattern and mobility of ankles in older people


  • Bruna Caroline de Lima Universidade do Contestado Campus Mafra SC
  • Bruna Cardoso Universidade do Contestado Mafra SC
  • Malu Cristina de Araujo Montoro Lima Universidade do Contestado Mafra SC



Aged, Gait, Movement


Objective: To analyze the effect of neuromotor training on gait pattern and mobility of ankles in older people. Methods: A cross-sectional non-randomized controlled study conducted in Rio Negrinho, Santa Catarina, from May to September 2015 with a sample of 26 older women divided into control group (CG=15) and neuromotor training group (NETG=11). The gait pattern was assessed through the Cerny Protocol and the mobility of ankles through goniometry. The CG performed regular physical activity including warm-up, stretching and strengthening of major muscle groups and cool-down. The NETG performed a neuromotor training as a 10-station circuit including warm-up, neuromotor training, cool-down and repetition of the circuit three times, remaining one minute at each station and keeping a 30-second interval between the stations. The exercise difficulty level increased after the sixth week. Both groups performed the activity for 12 weeks (twice a week for 45 minutes). The analysis was performed using the t-test with a significance level of p<0.05. Results: A significant improvement was observed in dorsiflexion of both ankles (right ankle p=0.00 and left ankle=0.02) and in both groups; however, the gait pattern did not present a significant improvement after the neuromotor exercise training (speed p=0.55; time to ambulation p=0.6). Conclusion: The neuromotor training maintained the gait pattern (speed and time to ambulation) and the mobility of ankles of the older women assessed.


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Author Biographies

Bruna Caroline de Lima, Universidade do Contestado Campus Mafra SC

Acadêmica do décimo período do curso de Fisioterapia da Universidade do Contestado Mafra SC

Bruna Cardoso, Universidade do Contestado Mafra SC

Acadêmica do décimo período do curso de Fisioterapia da Universidade do Contestado Mafra SC.

Malu Cristina de Araujo Montoro Lima, Universidade do Contestado Mafra SC

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How to Cite

Lima, B. C. de, Cardoso, B., & Lima, M. C. de A. M. (2015). Neuromotor training on gait pattern and mobility of ankles in older people. Brazilian Journal in Health Promotion, 28(4), 487–495.



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