Search for health care: therapeutic itinerary of children discharged from the neonatal units




Health Care, Child Care, Traditional Medicine, Self-medication, Intensive Care Units, Neonatal


Objective: To understand the paths taken by mothers and caregivers while searching for care for children discharged from neonatal units. Methods: Qualitative and exploratory study, carried out between May and June 2018, with mothers and caregivers of children born between 2014 and 2015, discharged from two public neonatal units in a capital from a Northeastern Brazil state. Fourteen semi-structured interviews were conducted, and content analysis was used in the thematic modality. Three categories were found that show possible paths taken for the care, mostly passing through the three sectors: “the informal sector as a starting point for the care”, “the use of the popular sector as a healing practice”, and “the use of professional sector: an alternative for consultation”. Results: The informal sector was the most addressed sector by caregivers. In general, the first choice was for self-medication oriented transgenerationally by grandmothers. The use of the popular sector was influenced by the families’ prior knowledge and their perception of the health-disease process. Biomedical culture permeated the three sectors and influenced the construction of the therapeutic itinerary. In the professional sector, a fragile bond was identified, mainly in primary care. Conclusion: The paths taken by mothers and caregivers of newborns discharged from neonatal units pointed to an overlap of medicalization to detriment of popular culture. Hosting and managing families’ social and cultural repertoires contribute to strengthening therapeutic links with the professional sector. Primary Health Care needs to be strengthened to guarantee the qualification of care for children.


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How to Cite

da Rocha, H. C., Lamy, Z. C., de Aguiar, L. C., Moreira, J. G. P., Pereira, M. U. L., Albuquerque, Y. L., Souza, T. de P., & Lamy-Filho, F. (2021). Search for health care: therapeutic itinerary of children discharged from the neonatal units. Brazilian Journal in Health Promotion, 34.



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