Comparação entre amostras brutas e filtradas para avaliação do conteúdo orgânico de efluentes de lagoas de estabilização.
The influence of algal biomass on BOD was investigated in three waste stabilisation ponds. Findings showed that filtered B0D is a more appropriate parameter to evaluate pond performance in the removal of organic material. Particulate material accounted for about 55% of unfiltered BOD and COD. BOD removal rates were higher in unfiltered than in filtered samples. On the other hand, during the first 24 hours exerted BOD offiltered samples was at least 18% greater than in unfiltered samples. This suggested that the delay in the degradation of pond effluent was due to algae presence. Also, residual material in pond effluents was considerably high (at least 40%).Downloads
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How to Cite
da Silva, F. J. A., Ferreira, A. U. de C., & Freitas, V. C. A. de. (2010). Comparação entre amostras brutas e filtradas para avaliação do conteúdo orgânico de efluentes de lagoas de estabilização. Revista Tecnologia, 21(1). Retrieved from