Análise dos dados de vento gerados no Projeto Reanalysis do NCEP/NCAR para futuras aplicações no cálculo do potencial eólico em regiões do estado do Ceará.


  • Cícero Fernandes A. Vieira
  • Clodoaldo Campos dos Santos
  • Francisco José Lopes de Lima
  • Rafael Aragão Magalhães
  • Emerson Mariano da Silva


Vento. Recursos eólicos. Reanalysis.


In this work we evaluate the use of the time series of wind velocity and direction from the Reanalysis project of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) in the quantifi cation of the wind resources in two regions (coastline and continental) in the State of Ceará, Brazil. This study can be useful in the project of wind farms in the region. The evaluation is made through the calculation of the correlation coeffi cients statistics (monthly) between the measured time series and the Reanalysis data. The measured wind data were obtained at 10 meters high from surface meteorological stations of Ceará State Foundation of Meteorology and Water Resources (FUNCEME) and of National Institute of Meteorology (INMET). We conclude that, for those sites and during the analyzed period of time, the data from Reanalysis is not suitable for wind power estimation.


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How to Cite

Vieira, C. F. A., dos Santos, C. C., de Lima, F. J. L., Magalhães, R. A., & da Silva, E. M. (2009). Análise dos dados de vento gerados no Projeto Reanalysis do NCEP/NCAR para futuras aplicações no cálculo do potencial eólico em regiões do estado do Ceará. Revista Tecnologia, 27(2). Retrieved from


