Statistical analysis of the wind speed in Ceará State, Brazil


  • Henrique do Nascimento Camelo Universidade Estadual do Ceará
  • Paulo C. M. Carvalho Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • João Bosco Verçosa Leal Junior Universidade Estadual do Ceará
  • João Bosco Passos Accioly Filho DEPAM/FUNCEME


Velocidade de vento. Análise estatística. Distribuição de Weibull.


In the present paper a statistical analysis of the wind speed in Ceará state, Northeast Brazilian, is made aiming to places whose wind energy potential can be used to electricity production. The best periods for wind energy use are shown; wind speeds from different sites are compared. Wind speed data measured at 70 meters height in the state for the 2005 show that the best wind speed values are found in the diurnal period. In the coastal area, sites with average wind speeds higher than 10 m/s are found, as Acaraú and Barroquinha. On the mountains, sites with average wind speeds higher than 8 m/s are found, as Ubajara. Shape factor values of the Weibull distribution for sites in the coast in the dry period are in agreement with those found in the literature.


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How to Cite

Camelo, H. do N., Carvalho, P. C. M., Leal Junior, J. B. V., & Accioly Filho, J. B. P. (2009). Statistical analysis of the wind speed in Ceará State, Brazil. Revista Tecnologia, 29(2). Retrieved from


