The report of professionals of the health on attempted suicide in the city of Maracanau, Ceara, Brazil


  • Izabel Cristina de Abreu
  • Denise de Lima Oliveira-Vilas Boas



The suicide attempt must be investigated concerning than biological aspects as concerning its lifes´s history and cultural aspects. In the long run, the suicidal behavior has been seen in many ways, depending on the specific time in history. Nowadays, there are many researches related to the suicidal behavior, but it is not known for sure if the individuals who attempt to suicide are really willing to die. Based on a statistic research taken by the Defesa Social de Maracanaú, city of Fortaleza, capital of Ceará State, a qualitative survey took place based on a semi-structured interview with the intention of knowing the reports from the health professionals about the high rates of suicide and suicide attempts in the referred city. The interviews were addressed to eight health professionals who are in contact with youngsters who have attempted suicide in this particular city. The health professionals´ reports were analysed based on theoretical references of Behavior Analysis about verbal report, taking into consideration that the fact of verbal report is considered a verbal behavior and, therefore, to be controlled by the contingences of reinforcement like any other operating behavior. As the results, it was possible to observe that all the professionals linked the suicide attempts to social-economic elements and theses professionals assured that they believe these youngsters didn´t have the intention of dying, but to obtain social assistance as affection and attention or to avoid aversive situations. In the presence of the similarities in the health professionals´ verbal reports, it could be assumed that the answers given to the questionaries are under the control of what is reinforced by the verbal community which these individuals belong to. Keywords: Verbal Report. Suicide Attempt. Contingences Analysis.


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Author Biographies

Izabel Cristina de Abreu

Graduanda em Psicologia pela Universidade de Fortaleza - UNIFOR. Monitora da disciplina de Análise Experimental do Comportamento. Extensionista do Programa Interdisciplinar de Nutrição aos Transtornos Alimentares.

Denise de Lima Oliveira-Vilas Boas

Mestre em Psicologia Experimental: Análise do Comportamento (PUC/SP). Especialista em Terapia Comportamental (USP/SP). Professora da Universidade de Fortaleza - UNIFOR, no curso de Psicologia. Psicóloga Clínica.



How to Cite

Cristina de Abreu, I., & Oliveira-Vilas Boas, D. de L. (2010). The report of professionals of the health on attempted suicide in the city of Maracanau, Ceara, Brazil. Revista De Humanidades (Descontinuada), 22(1).


