The motivations and the investor’s hopes in hotel in Iracema beach


  • Daniel Rodriguez de Carvalho Pinheiro
  • Olga M. M. Prado Brunker



The necessity in understand the family business dynamics, as well as the comprehension of how organizational culture influences their management, became imperative, once those businesses increase their market share and its representativeness for the world economy and for the GDP - Gross domestic product of the countries. Family businesses can be pointed out as a global phenomenon; in Brazil it is no different. It can be observed on segments as tourism and hospitality, more specifically at Brazilian northeast capitals with tradition and tourist vocation as Fortaleza (Ceará). Therefore, the main goal of this study is to understand the motivation and hope of the family business in hospitality, focused on the case of the small hotels at Iracema Beach. The qualitative research was developed in first place throughout a literature review, followed by the ethnographic method, carried out through in-depth interviews with individuals involved in the context. The findings of the field research lead to conclude that the investments in hospitality segment by those small entrepreneurs was in part a consequence caused by the perception of a positive moment of the market, composed by an increasing tourist demand, added to the fact that those individuals were, previously, owners of properties in a picturesque neighborhood whose history deeply interact with the own city’s history, allied to the possibility of having their own business and so, generating an extra income for the family. Keywords: Hope. Sites of relationship. Emotion. Perfect Couple.


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Author Biographies

Daniel Rodriguez de Carvalho Pinheiro

Daniel R. de C. Pinheiro é arquiteto e doutor em Sociologia. Mailto:

Olga M. M. Prado Brunker

Mestranda do Curso Acadêmico de Administração de Empresas da UECE. E-



How to Cite

de Carvalho Pinheiro, D. R., & Prado Brunker, O. M. M. (2010). The motivations and the investor’s hopes in hotel in Iracema beach. Revista De Humanidades, 22(1).


