Analysis of environment impacts in the Sabiaguaba beach, Ceara, Brazil
The coastal plain, Sabiaguaba, inserted as the first beach of the coastal east of the Ceará, from Fortaleza, is located in the mouth of a river, the Cocó River, 17 km from Fortaleza’s center, district of Messejana. It is composed for geo environmental units as: dune complex, river, lagoons and mangoes. This research identified the ambient impacts of this region, with the construction of the bridge under the estuary of the Cocó River and considered practical of sustainable handling for the area. After the bibliographical studies, it became documentary research and of field, facilitated for other visits to the place in elapsing of the research. One analyzed the results, when he was evidenced that the ambient problems of Sabiaguaba can be minimized by the public politics and the private initiative based in ethical concepts. In such a way, it was possible to identify to the main ambient impacts occurrences in the region, as the deforestation of the original vegetation of fen, amongst others. These questions had evidenced the necessity of proposals related to the environment, as well as suggest it application of programs of ambient education, planning and development of new on products about the economic and ambient support of this place. Keywords: Environment. Environmental Impacts. Integrated Management. Sustainable Development. 1 Graduada em Turismo, Especializada em Planejamento e Gestão Ambiental e Mestranda em Geografia pela Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE). E-mail: Introdução O Bairro da Sabiaguaba está inserido no extremo leste do litoral de Fortaleza. Limita-se ao nordeste com o Oceano Atlântico; ao oeste, com os bairros Edson Queiroz, Sapiranga e Lagoa Redonda, no município de Fortaleza; ao sudeste, com o município de Aquiraz; ao sudoeste, com o município de Eusébio. Encontra-se situado, em grande parte, na planície litorânea, entre os estuários do rio Cocó e do rio Pacoti, havendo também, na área mais central, trechos do tabuleiro pré-litorâneo. No extremo oeste, a lagoa da PrecaburaDownloads
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How to Cite
Cavalcante, R. F. de L. (2010). Analysis of environment impacts in the Sabiaguaba beach, Ceara, Brazil. Revista De Humanidades, 22(1).