Curriculum of Nursing´s Course: Implantation in Universidade de Fortaleza- UNIFOR
The study presents the trajectory of adoption of the new Nursing curriculum in the Universidade de Fortaleza- UNIFOR. Initially, it has a historical approach, focusing on the evolution from the first model adopted by the university to the one currently in use. Unifor was the first school in Ceará that adopted the new proposal of Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem – ABEn nacional. The study also contemplates the objectives of the new curricular paradigm and its philosophy, establishing a conceptual mark for the course. It is believed that the established conceptual mark is closely connected to the philosophy of the course. Keywords: Curriculum; Nursing; Implantation.Downloads
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How to Cite
de Sousa Araújo Santos, Z. M., de Souza Ribeiro, A. M., Henrique Costa, L., Magalhães da Silva, R., & Ferreira Luma, A. C. (2010). Curriculum of Nursing´s Course: Implantation in Universidade de Fortaleza- UNIFOR. Revista De Humanidades, 19(1).