Building of a place in the planned city: taking a look at New Jaguaribara


  • Maria Anezilany Gomes do Nascimento



This article focuses the New Jaguaribara town (in Ceará state, Brazil), concerning the place itself, the key-conception of Human Geography that considers the importance of subjectivity, spatial perception feelings and sensations of being-world relation. New Jaguaribara was designed and built to shelter the inhabitants of old Jaguaribara, today overflown by the Castanhão artificial lake (built in the medium valley of the Jaguaribe river, Ceará). The main question of this research is related to the very building of the place by the occupiers of the new town. The occupier’s opinion through which was possible to decodificate feelings and perceptions of landscape and the territory. It was a relevant methodological tool, when linked to the cartography and observation of the town put together to iconographic and photographic records, obtained by the field research. The distance from the Jaguaribe river, an important variant of this research, the inflation of living cost, because of new urban equipments and the lack of an economical reestructure (although this item was assured by the New Jaguaribara project) resulted in the difficulty, perceived daily by the occupiers at the occasion they face the building of their place, in the new town. Keywords: Place. Cultural Geography. Jaguaribara territory.


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Author Biography

Maria Anezilany Gomes do Nascimento

Maria Anezilany Gomes do Nascimento é Mestre em Geografia e professora da UECE/FAFIDAM. Anuário Estatístico do Ceará (1997). Fortaleza, 1999. JAGUARIBARA. Lei do Sistema Viário de Jaguaribara. Prefeitura Municipal de Jaguaribara, 2001. CEARÁ, JAGUARIBARA. Legislação do plano de estruturação urbana da cidade de Jaguaribara. Prefeitura Municipal de Jaguaribara, 2001. O Povo. O Castanhão. Fortaleza, 24 dez 2002. Documentos: Entrevista com Bernadete Neves, religiosa da Congregação das Filhas de Coração Imaculado de Maria e moradora de Jaguaribara (2002; 2003). Entrevista com Sebastião Negreiros, marceneiro, morador de Jaguaribara (2003). Entrevista com Gilson Bezerra, comerciante, morador de Jaguaribara (2003). Entrevista com Rosângela Pinheiro, comerciante, moradora de Jaguaribara (2001, 2002, 2003). Entrevista com José Ferreira, comerciante, morador de Jaguaribara (2003). Entrevista com Heloísa Araújo, aposentada, moradora de Jaguaribara (2003). Entrevista com Erivanda Gomes, estudante, moradora de Jaguaribara (2001, 2002, 2003). Entrevista com Augusto Pessoa, comerciante, morador de Jaguaribara (2003). Entrevista com Cícera Xavier, lavadeira, moradora de Jaguaribara (2003). Entrevista com Jeso Carneiro, funcionário público, morador de Jaguaribara (2002, 2003). Entrevista com Francisca da Silva, agricultora, moradora de Jaguaribara (2003).Is there any way a possibility to built a citizen media?



How to Cite

Gomes do Nascimento, M. A. (2010). Building of a place in the planned city: taking a look at New Jaguaribara. Revista De Humanidades, 20(1).


