The development of psychology in a university legal practice office: historical aspects
The juridical psychology is an area of knowledge that developed from dialogue between psychology and law. The main objective of this text is to give more information about the work developed from psychological service rendered in the Universidade de Fortaleza’s legal practice office (EPJ). The psychology service of EPJ has a team of eight psychology interns, a psychologist and a professor. The clients of this service are, especially, poor people. When law students detect an emotional component that interferes with juridical assistance, they advise them to psychological counseling. Besides this activy, psychology works together with SESED (alternative dispute resolution service). Thus, psychology works together with law to favour the juridical access for the community. The relationship between psychology and law is an expansion and this legal practice office is a good example of these interdisciplinary practices. Keyword: Juridical psychology. Interdisciplinary. Proposal of performanceDownloads
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How to Cite
Fernandes, V. G. (2010). The development of psychology in a university legal practice office: historical aspects. Revista De Humanidades, 20(2).