Outdoor media in Fortaleza


  • Juliana Lotif Araújo
  • Lorena de Oliveira Maia




This study has as objective to verify the existence of an urban organization for the act of receiving of the exterior media and to know which the opinion of the population on the volume of the external media in the city of Fortaleza. For this the referring aspects to the historical context of the visual communication in the world had been boarded, also observing as the exterior media if it established in Brazil. At the same time where it identified the types of exterior media and investigated the legal aspects of the external advertising in Fortaleza and other capitals, an interaction searched enters the population of Fortaleza, aiming at to establish its motivations and impressions in relation to the found exterior media in the public areas of the city. The historical context and the legal definitions of the diverse existing exterior medias in Fortaleza, as well as, aspects and the municipal agencies had been boarded that to inspect the exterior advertising in the cities of Fortaleza, Recife, Brasilia, Porto Alegre and São Paulo, tracing a parallel between them. Field research was materialize, with application of check-list, based on the article 9º of the law nº 8,221/98, and application of questionnaire, next to the freqüents of the Quarters Center and Small village. The study it allowed to evidence that Fortaleza does not have an adjusted urban organization for the demand of external media that receives daily. Through the field study the interference of the city hall in the organization of the visual communication was observed that the fortalezense population if shows uncomfortable with the disorganization of the exterior media in the city, demanding and bigger preservation of the common wealth of Fortaleza. Keywords: Outdoor. Advertising. Visual pollution


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Author Biographies

Juliana Lotif Araújo

Mestre em Design (UFPE, 2007), Especialista em Comunicação e Novas Tecnologias (UNIFOR, 2004) e em Ergonomia (UFPE, 2007), graduada em Comunicação Social (UNIFOR, 2003). Professora do curso de Comunicação Social – Publicidade e Propaganda da UNIFOR.

Lorena de Oliveira Maia

Graduada em Comunicação Social com Habilitação em Publicidade e Propaganda pela Faculdade Católica do Ceará.



How to Cite

Araújo, J. L., & Oliveira Maia, L. de. (2010). Outdoor media in Fortaleza. Revista De Humanidades, 22(2). https://doi.org/10.5020/23180714.2007.22.2.%p


