A estrutura das revoluções científicas
Abstract The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, a work written by Thomas Kuhn in 1962, is a report whose central aspects portray the thought of a theoretical physicist (the author), which, to dive in the history of science, finds the labyrinths of human thought, which since the early days, trying to unravel the puzzles of nature, facts and phenomena. How are the ideas? As the thinking unveils the mysteries? ... The reports of Kuhn reflect their doubts, discoveries, thinking and conclusions about science as well as their paths and descaminhos. The paradigm, to Kuhn, are the scientific achievements, notably recognized that, announcing postulates descriptive and interpretative on scientific problems. The accumulation of knowledge produced historically the granary of paradigms, interrelated and connected properly. Many events are not isolated and are related to other times produced in synchronous or asynchronous. For Kuhn, however, there is no way to disregard the findings that emerged from the non-accumulation and the same way that revolutionized the scientific knowledge. The author, in his essay, define and characterize normal science and scientific revolution, and in their characterizations, the distinction proposed by Kuhn is the compromise: the scientific revolutions promote paradigmatic change, because subvert order and understanding of events and phenomena, while in Normal science, there is no compromise with the unprecedented, as no elements that lead to new paradigms. The birth of a paradigm is in response to the crisis and, if the crisis condemns a theory, it also drives the emergence of another. The ideas developed in this book provoked a heated debate in scientific communities. The impact of what Kuhn described as a paradigm influenced and still influence the study of science. Keywords: Science. Paradigm. Search – MethodDownloads
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How to Cite
Benfatti, X. D. (2010). A estrutura das revoluções científicas. Revista De Humanidades, 22(2). https://doi.org/10.5020/23180714.2007.22.2.%p