The dead of Miyazaki’s family: a case study according to Durkheim’s teory


  • Thiago Abreu de Figueiredo



The centenary of the Japanese immigration to Brazil will be celebrated on June, 2008. This event leads us to refletions about the importance of Japanese community to Brazilian social-economic development, as well as, academic analysis of socialogical basis, that may develop comparative studies between japanese society and the nipo-brazilian colony. For that purpose, has been scoped as main objective of this article the suicide, which was chosen mainly because this, apparently, have a distintive characteristic between the nipobrazilian group and its japanese counterpart and I have chosen to the case study the death of a migrating family in the state of São Paulo. For such analysis it’s used as guidelines, and theoretical sources of the work the french sociologist works Émile Durkheim, following closely his concept on suicidogenous tide and its aggravating and mitigating factors. Its intended to make comparisions between the members’ behaviour of these societies, rise up questions regarding the influence of the economical situation, the genre and the ethinic on the occurences of the suicide mentioned, and show the existence of the information gaps about the Japanese colony even now, a hundred years of settlement in Brazil. Keywords: Suicide. Durkheim. Nipo-brazilian colony. Centenary of japanese immigration in Brazil. Japan.


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Author Biography

Thiago Abreu de Figueiredo

Capitão-de-Corveta da Marinha do Brasil, graduado pela Escola Naval e graduando em Sociologia e Política pela UNIFOR.



How to Cite

de Figueiredo, T. A. (2010). The dead of Miyazaki’s family: a case study according to Durkheim’s teory. Revista De Humanidades (Descontinuada), 22(1).


